The motherboard is giving an orange light and your pc is not starting. Well, numerous reasons can make your motherboard show the orange light. Computers are very smartly designed equipment and can indicate if something is wrong with them. The lights on motherboards are part of it.
Different brand models of motherboards can indicate different colour lights. All you have to know is the colour is indicating something. You can read the manual for that or search it online using the motherboard brand name and the typical model number assigned to it.
In this post, orange light will be the main concern but do remember if the light is different for you let’s suppose you are having a white light issue, then also the solutions I’m going to give here are applicable to you as well. So keep reading until the end and you may have some solid ideas or help from this post.
What is the orange light issue?
The first thing you need to understand is the orange light is not the issue here. The orange light is just indicating an issue and letting you know that something is wrong with your computer and that’s why it won’t start or work properly.
Orange, white or whatever the light your motherboard is lighting up is an indication of something is wrong. Present-day computers are smart enough to protect themselves and surrounding equipment by keeping the operations shut until the problem is rectified.
How do I know why my motherboard is giving an orange light?
Your computer was previously working fine and now giving orange light and won’t boot up. In this situation what you need to do is to perform some checks on your pc.
So you can have a complete idea of what is going on with your system-
Checks you need to perform to rectify the orange light issue-
- Electricity supply-
The first thing you need to reinsure is you are having proper electricity from your main electric board to your computer. A faulty electricity line or improper connection can cause problems or even damage your pc parts. So this is going to be the number one check.
Ensure proper electricity to your pc. You must be wondering how I make sure. Well in that case you can certainly use a plug-in voltage meter. The meter can accurately show you the units and you can see the if there are any sudden spikes or surges in the units.
- Wires-
Second, you need to check all the wires coming from your pc. Internal and external both needed to be checked. You can also smell them to be double sure if there is any sort of short circuit, then the smell will let you know.
- Power supply-
Make sure your power supply is capable enough to power your pc. A weak power supply can be disastrous even if it’s working fine presently. Modern devices are power-hungry and a quality power supply can keep them running for longer times. Always buy a trusted and branded power supply. Going cheap on power supplies can cost you in the long run.
- Inspect motherboard-
Before going to tech support. You need to check your motherboard. Inspect the whole motherboard, and read the manual of the motherboard. Maybe you will find something unusual on your own. As I have mentioned earlier the orange light is an indication. By inspecting your motherboard maybe you will find the exact cause of that indication.
- Reset CMOS-
Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor or CMOS is present on our pc motherboards. CMOS saves the BIOS data. BIOS is a basic firmware which power our first boot to install OS and other stuff. In general, bios is the default firmware which we require to operate the motherboard and CMOS is the storage for bios which contains the bios data.
Now there are sometimes when we encounter some trouble with our bios. It may be on purpose or it may be by accident. But our bios can get corrupt too. In that case PC doesn’t start. So we need to Reset our CMOS battery. Usually, it fixes and resets the bios. To do that you have to just remove the CMOS battery for 10sec and put it right back into the slot.
- Check Ram-
The most common one and everyone have their moment with this problem. Ram can also cause the orange light issue in your motherboard. The first reason can be that you have placed your ram in the wrong slot. So ensure that you have placed your ram in the correct slot and try to boot your pc.
Second, The ram you have is incompatible with your current system and needs to be replaced with the compatible one.
Third, You have faulty ram that’s why your pc is giving an orange light.
Other reasons can be the mix of all these like latencies, MHz of ram or the brand of ram you have is not compatible with your system. Either replace your ram or buy a new pair.
- Cpu-
Perform a quick check on your processor. Make sure there aren’t any anomalies. Reapply the thermal paste and check again if your system is recovered from the issue or not. Sometimes there are some underlying issues with the processors or the firmware updates can cause CPU bios to go berserk. So make sure you check all the bios settings of the CPU too.
- Overclocking-
Overclocking has become very normal now and people are not afraid of it anymore. But a wrong overclocking can make your system unpredictable and slow. Without prior knowledge of overclocking can kill your system or your pc parts.
Overclocking is a game of high ups and downs so make sure you know what you are doing with your system. If in the past you have performed some overclocking with any of the equipment present in your systems like CPU or ram. Then later it may give some problems if the settings are changed. Mostly overclocked ram is the culprit but you can check it otherwise.
Some Frequently asked questions-
I am getting Orange Light on Motherboard and no display
If you are gettings an orange light on the motherboard and no display on the monitor then you must clear the CMOS. second, you can check the ram and ensure it’s working properly.
orange light on motherboard but no power
The orange light with no power indicates some issues with the ram configuration. So to fix that you need to check the settings of your ram.
Check the Mhz it’s operating on and if there is some issue with the configuration. Do check the auto overclocking settings and try to turn them on/off depending on your situation.
To perform all these steps refer to the first FAQ to get power to the system first.
In conclusion, All I can say is that I have tried to create a post with no fluff content. the information I have provided in this post is a practical and generally common practice which we do if we encounter any kind of problem with our systems. there is no need to call a mechanic if the damage is self-treatable. But if this article is no help to you at all then you must go with the brand warranty and get your system fixed asap.