Title: Apex legends update
Every update about Apex legend
Apex legend is a battle royal game. Apex legends is published by electronic arts. This battle royal game is developed by respawn entertainment.
Windows, Ps4, and Xbox one are the consoles apex legends can be played on. The company launched it for the Nintendo switch a couple of months back.
It has first-person shooter controls with the best view angle and control, the graphics on apex legends are so realistic and good.
Apex legends just received an update and the developers added many new things to the game. In this article, we are gonna talk about apex update, apex legends patch notes, and the crossplay too.
Apex update
Apex legends just received a new update (1.73) and the main purpose of the update is to fix the bugs and add some new events for the players. EA Apex legend is a free-to-play game and season 9 of apex legends started in May and this season will end in the first week of August. Fans are eagerly waiting for season 10. There will be a huge update in maps and weapons when season 10 will be released(maybe in mid-august).

The company hasn’t said anything about the update yet but it can be guessed that season 10 will be based on Pathfinder’s quest. Pathfinder may get revenge from Dr.Reid. Ash can be Dr. Reid, there is a quiet possibility of this. The storyline for season 10 is going to be a game-changer and the players are gonna love it.
The ranked arena is still not a part of apex legend. As the new update hasn’t received the ranked arena, it can be possible that with the update of season 10 ranked arenas will be there in the game. We don’t know anything about battle pass yet but as season 10 comes closer we will surely going to have some information about the battle pass of season 10. The latest update contains no changes in the characters but it is expected that with season 10 there will be changes in some main legends characters.
The developing company hasn’t said anything about apex update for season 10 yet but they have said that the Horizon will be getting many updates and changes in season 10. Keep following us and we will provide you with the latest updates about season 10 as the time is coming closer day by day.
Apex Legends Patch notes 9.1
Apex legends just received a patch notes update 9.1 adding the Genesis collection event to the event list. It has brought some new maps and new weapons too. With this new patch, the company fixes some bugs and some major bug fixes and updates are as following:
– The mirage flickering issue is now resolved.
– The bug of the gun shield taking additional bleed through damage is fixed now.
– If the enemy leaves the game before landing, the enemy package will still have the loot.
– Wattson can use the wraith animation in the boxing ring but not now.
– Valkyries
⇒ Valkyries can’t enter the area restricted to them.
⇒ First person view is not abstracted in a shield battery.
– Can no longer change weapons if holster animation is off.
– The epic emote Wattson uses can place more than one Nessie on the map.
– One second decrement in the time for the eye of the allfather scan.
– The cooldown time for the launchpad you can use has increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds now.
– Increase in climbing height using a stalker.
– Reduction in legend’s hitbox.
– Increase in hitbox size on lifeline as it was too hard to hit before.
– Reduction in octanes’s stim start changes.
– There will be a scoreboard now on the map screen.
– A shield battery to be provided to the players from the third round.
– Reduction of 5 seconds in the arrival of care packages.
– 6x scope in the sniper will work after level 1 upgrade.
Changes in Weapons(apex legends patch notes)
– P2020
Increase in base ammo from 12 to 14
Now has Increase in level 1 and level 2 mag (+2 in both)
with new update Increase in level 3 and level 4 mag (+3 in both)
Provided Increase in fire rate from 6.25 to 7.0
– Longbow
Increase in damage from 55 to 60
– Spitfire
Reduce in charge time
Increase in hip fire speed
Change in price of weapon (apex legends patch notes)
– Volt -> 500 to 550
– L-star -> 400 to 500
– G7 Scout -> 350 to 400
– G7 Scout level 3 upgrade -> 250 to 300
– RE 45 -> 250 to 200
– Mastiff -> 500 to 400
– P2020 level 1 upgrade -> 50 to 25
– P202 level 2 upgrade -> 125 to 75
– P202 level 3 upgrade -> 200 to 150
– 30-30 -> 350 to 400
– Crypto emp -> 600 to 500
– Lifeline DOC drone – 50 to 75
Some adjustments in maps (apex legends patch notes)
– In Party Crusher, for favoring the downtown the circle has been adjusted and the language of minimap has been simplified as much as possible.
– In Phase Runner, some trees have been added and increased in height at some places on the map.
Apex crossplay
When season 9 of apex legends was launched back in May, the company also added the crossplay feature in apex legends, this feature allows you to play with your friends, play in a squad. You can crossplay with your friends online on Windows, Xbox One, and PS4 also. Just have to add your friends from the friend list while you are in the lobby.
You just need to type the origin id or username of your friend. There is a thing that you will only match with people who are on the same console as you, like desktop to desktop and Xbox to Xbox. Apex legends also provide one more option that is to turn off the crossplay, turning off crossplay will allow you to not match with anyone you can play for your own.
Read our articles for every update related to apex legends, we will provide you with information about apex legends like the new season, any leaks, updates, changes, etc. Thank you for reading.